the best freezers in kenya
best freezers in kenya

Are you in search of the perfect freezer to suit your needs in Kenya? Freezers play a crucial role in preserving food and maintaining its freshness for extended periods. Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner in Kenya, finding the right freezer is essential to cater to your freezing needs effectively. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the best freezers in Kenya and what factors to consider before purchasing.

Factors to Consider When Choosing The Best Freezers In Kenya

Before delving into the reviews, let’s explore the critical factors to consider when buying the best freezers in Kenya.

Capacity and Size
The first thing to assess is the size and capacity of the freezer. Evaluate how much space you have available and how much food you need to store regularly.

Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is crucial to minimize electricity costs. Opt for a freezer with a high energy star rating to save on electricity bills in the long run.

Type of Freezer (Chest vs. Upright)
Both chest and upright freezers have their advantages. Chest freezers offer more storage space, while upright freezers are more organized and easily accessible.

Features and Technology
Modern freezers come with various features such as temperature control, fast freeze, and frost-free technology. Assess which qualities are essential for your specific requirements.

Price and Budget
Set a budget range and compare different models within that range. Remember that investing in a quality freezer is a wise decision for long-term benefits.

Top 5 Best Freezers in Kenya

Bruhm Chest Freezer – 7.5Cu.Ft – 200 Litres – Grey

  • Capacity: 200L
  • Temperature Control thermostat
  • Interior LED Lighting
  • Lock and Key
  • Energy Efficient

Ramtons Chest Freezer ; 140L+ Icepak Ext Condenser – White

  • 140 Litres
  • Ice pack
  • External Condenser
  • Aluminium Inside
  • Fully tropicalized
  • Quick freezing
  • 4 star rating
  • Lockable door

Hisense Chest Freezer FC-26DD4SA 198L

  • Capacity: 5 to 10 Cubic Feet; 198 Litres
  • International standard design
  • Quick and deep freezing option
  • Mechanical temperature control with adjustable thermostat
  • Eco-friendly
  • Low noise design
  • Easy to Defrost with water
  • Disposal device
  • With castor
  • Metal hinge
  • Aluminum embossing inside liner
  • 2 Year Warranty

Armco Chest Freezer ;AF-C38(K) – 342L

  • Cool Pack 342L
  • Step-inn Type
  • Silver Aluminium interior
  • Lock & Key
  • Interior Lamp
  • 1 Basket
  • High efficiency insulation
  • Super Silent Tropicalized Compressor
  • Wheels
  • CFC Free
  • Clean Flat Back Design

VON Chest Freezer; VAFC35DXS 342L – Grey

  • Von 342 Litres Chest Freezer
  • 2 Cool Packs
  • Fast freeze option
  • Thick thermal insulation
  • Lamp
  • Wheels/Castors
  • Two baskets
  • One separator
  • White Interior Coated Liner
  • CFC free
  • External condenser
  • Lock
  • Tropicalized
  • Low noise levels
  • Double Door

Benefits of Using The Best Freezers in Kenya

Preserving Food Freshness
One of the primary benefits of using the best freezers in Kenya is their ability to preserve food freshness. Freezing food items slows down bacterial growth and enzymatic activities, allowing you to store perishables for extended periods without compromising their taste or nutritional value.

Cost Savings on Groceries
A quality freezer lets you buy groceries in bulk and take advantage of discounts and deals without worrying about spoilage. By storing food items in the freezer, you can save money on regular grocery trips and reduce overall food expenses.

Convenient Bulk Shopping
With a spacious freezer, you can stock up on frozen vegetables, fruits, meats, and ready-to-eat meals. Bulk shopping saves time and ensures you always have a variety of ingredients readily available for cooking.

Energy-Efficient Cooling
Modern freezers are equipped with energy-efficient features, such as improved insulation and advanced cooling systems. These technologies help reduce electricity consumption, resulting in lower utility bills and a positive mark on the environment.

Reduced Food Waste
By freezing surplus food before it spoils, you significantly reduce food waste. The best freezers enable you to manage your food inventory effectively, leading to more sustainable consumption habits.

Optimized Food Rotation

Freezers with multiple compartments and drawers allow for organized storage and easy food rotation. You can prioritize older items for consumption, minimizing the risk of food going unused and expiring.

Customizable Storage Options

Different types of the best freezers in Kenya offer various storage options, such as adjustable shelves and dividers. Customizable storage ensures you can accommodate different food items, from large cuts of meat to smaller containers of frozen meals.

How to Maintain and Clean Your Freezer

Keeping your freezer in excellent condition is crucial to ensure it operates efficiently, preserves food properly, and maintains optimal freezing temperatures. Regular maintenance and cleaning can extend the lifespan of your freezer and help you avoid potential issues that may arise due to neglect. In this guide, we’ll walk you through essential steps on how to maintain and clean your freezer effectively.

1. Defrosting Your Freezer

Step 1: Before defrosting your freezer, unplug it from the power source to ensure safety.

Step 2: Remove all the contents from the freezer and transfer them to a temporary cooler with ice packs to keep them frozen while you clean.

Step 3: Allow the freezer to defrost naturally. You can place towels or absorbent cloths around the freezer to catch any excess water.

Step 4: Once the ice has melted completely, wipe the interior with a mixture of warm water and mild detergent. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the surfaces.

Step 5: Dry the interior thoroughly with a clean cloth before plugging the freezer back in.

2. Cleaning the Interior

Step 1: Unplug the freezer from the power source and remove all the contents.

Step 2: Take out any removable shelves, drawers, and compartments from the freezer.

Step 3: Clean these removable parts with warm water and mild detergent. Allow them to air dry completely.

Step 4: Wipe down the interior surfaces with a mixture of warm water and mild detergent, paying extra attention to any spills or stains.

Step 5: For tough stains or odors, you can use a solution of equal parts water and vinegar to clean the interior. Remember to rinse with clean water afterward.

Step 6: Dry the interior thoroughly with a clean cloth before putting the shelves and compartments back in.

3. Exterior Cleaning

Step 1: For the exterior of the freezer, use a soft cloth or sponge soaked in warm, soapy water to wipe away any dirt, dust, or fingerprints.

Step 2: If your freezer has a stainless steel exterior, use a stainless steel cleaner and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for best results.

Step 3: Rinse the exterior with clean water and wipe it dry with a clean cloth.

the best freezers in kenya

4. Maintaining the Freezer Temperature

Step 1: To ensure your freezer maintains the correct temperature, invest in a refrigerator/freezer thermometer.

Step 2: Place the thermometer in the freezer and monitor the temperature regularly. The freezer should be kept at or below 0°F (-18°C) to maintain food safety.

Step 3: Adjust the temperature settings if necessary, and avoid frequently opening the freezer door to prevent temperature fluctuations.

5. Organizing and Preventative Maintenance

Step 1: Keep your freezer organized by labeling and dating food items. This will help you rotate and use food before it reaches its expiration date.

Step 2: Avoid overloading the freezer, as it can obstruct airflow and lead to uneven cooling.

Step 3: Check the door seals regularly for any signs of wear or damage. Replace worn-out seals to ensure a proper seal and prevent cold air leaks.

Step 4: Clean the condenser coils (located either at the back or underneath the freezer) at least once a year. Dust and debris can accumulate on the coils, hindering the freezer’s cooling efficiency.


In conclusion, choosing the best freezers in Kenya requires careful consideration of various factors, including size, energy efficiency, type, features, and budget. The top 5 best freezers in Kenya we’ve reviewed offer excellent options for different needs. Ensure to pick one that aligns with your specific requirements to enjoy the benefits of efficient food preservation.

Which Freezer Brand is the Best?

The article mentioned three top freezer brands available in Kenya: Von, Ramtons, Hisense, Bruhm and Armco. Each of these brands offers unique features and benefits that cater to different consumer preferences. It is essential to consider your specific needs and requirements when determining which freezer brand is the best for you.

Which is Best: Deep Freezer or Chest Freezer?

Deep Freezer: A deep freezer is designed to have a large storage capacity and is usually upright in shape. It typically has multiple compartments and shelves, making it more straightforward to organize and access frozen items. Deep freezers are well-suited for those who need to store a significant amount of frozen goods and prefer a more organized storage system.
Chest Freezer: A chest freezer has a horizontal layout and a larger storage space compared to an upright deep freezer. It often has a single, spacious compartment, which allows for the storage of bulkier items like large cuts of meat or whole poultry. Chest freezers are beneficial for those who have ample floor space and require a freezer with a high storage capacity.
The choice between a deep freezer and a chest freezer depends on aspects such as available space, storage needs, and personal preferences. If you have limited floor space and want a freezer with organized storage options, a deep freezer might be the better choice. On the other hand, if you have enough floor space and need a freezer with a large storage capacity, a chest freezer may be the more suitable option.

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